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Reparaties Bundels Onderhoudsbeurt Windows Linux


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Why maintenance?

Maintenance is not available for a handful of models where it's too risky to approach the processor.

A lot of problems can be prevented by scheduling maintenance on a regular basis. If your computer is slower or makes more noise than usual, maintenance can be the solution.


We recommend doing this once yearly.


Over time, dust builds up in a computer. This causes a chain reaction:

- The dust blocks the airflow of the cooling

- Because of this, the cooling has to work longer and harder

- When this reaches it limit, the temperature rises above the desired values.

- The computer reacts to this increase in temperature and lowers its speed in order to generate less heat.

The result is that ur computer is now much slower!

During a hardware maintenance we remove all the dust and replace the thermal paste (it dries out because of the heat).



During a software maintenance we remove malware/viruses from your system and try to repair as much damage as possible.

In addition, we perform updates for your operating system, drivers and other important software.


The default price for maintenance is €120. If other problems are discovered during this procedure then a quote will be drafted to repair them.